Spring 2017
SDW - transition Chain to a charter school
Spring/Summer 2017
Rhonda Hare and team craft mission and vision
Fall 2017
Governance Council formed
Winter 2017
Charter contract between School Board and the Governance Council is approved
Jan-March 2018
update charter for DPI requirements
Incorporate and file as non-stock
grant application
March-June 2018
plan facilities for open
June 2018
Awarded sub-grant
Summer 2019
Amend contract to reflect altered plan
26 out of 45 applications were awarded in cohort 1.
We were only eligible to apply for the grant in year 1.
The award is $650,625 over 5 years. We are in year 3.
At least $100,000 is designated for the secondary grades.
The money was awarded to the Governance Council.
The money is intended to be used as startup funds.
The money cannot be spent on construction or anything that is disposable.
Remaining funds equal $419,185.54
No more than 20% ($124,000) can be spent in the final year.
No more than 10% of each annual approved budget may be carried over to the following year with the exception of last year due to Covid-19.
DPI Requirements include monthly calls with other grantees and a monitoring visit on October 20 this year.